Monday, February 6, 2012

Quick Catch Up

It's been way too long since I last posted anything, and now it seems like an enormous task. Ahhh, why do I always do that?

We had my whole family come down here again this year. It's always a blast to have all the cousins over. The boys love all the noise and attention. And it's a very sad day at this house when they are all gone. Drew still asks for David (my sister's son) to come over and play. Oh, we can't wait until this summer when they move down here. Christopher, on the other hand, really likes his older girl cousins, so he's constantly talking about Laura, Niki and Julia. We miss you guys!!!
We did the Polar Express train ride up in Williams this year with my family. The kids LOVED it. The boys still talk about it and every once in a while they ask to go to the North Pole again. I think we will be taking that trip a few times until they have grown out of it.

Camargo Family picture

Granddaughters and

Outside the Polar Express train

Sedona (we also took my family to Sedona when they were here)

I can't believe my baby will be 6 months this week. It's gone by way too fast!!!! She's SUPER chunky. We started her on baby food a couple weeks ago and she's doing really good. She rolls all over the house and is getting quite mobile.

First time eating carrots

This was her today. First time with pig tails. I LOVE it!!

He had a 2 month break from preschool. It was an interesting time for me (to put it in nice words). He was so excited to go back to school, and as usual is loving it.
He comes up with the cutest things. The day my parents were leaving, going back to Brazil, he kept asking to go with my mom. I explained he didn't have a passport (a paper with your name and picture so the policeman can let you in the plane) and that we had to go get it done before he could fly. Well, a couple minutes later he comes to me, with the most "perfect" picture he has ever drawn. It was him, complete with eyes, nose, a smile, and hair. "Look mom," he said, "it's a picture of Christopher. My passport, now I can go with grandma." VERY cute, but it broke my heart.

Christopher's Passport

I don't even know where to begin. He's cute, sweet, and tough. He loves to tease and wrestle. His new thing is wanting to fly. He's constantly climbing on something and jumping off saying he's flying. He's talking a lot lately. We are working on the potty training thing. He's potty trained for poop, I know, weird kid, but not for pee yet. He tells me his diaper is full and that he needs a diaper change. I tell him he needs to wear underwear, but he refuses and begs for a diaper.

Got to go. The boys have been awake for 10 minutes now, and it's no longer quiet and peaceful around here.

1 comment:

The Lewis's said...

Oh, I love that he drew his own passport!

So... what are we doing for your birthday this year?