Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How To Lose Your Concentration During A Talk 101

Here are 5 easy steps you should follow if you want to insure the bishopric NEVER calls you to give a talk again.

1. Have you 3 year old run through the chapel calling out for you as your giving a talk.
2. Have no one stop him, but you (remind you are at the stand). Stop talking, take him to his father.
3. Have the 2 year old run with with dad to get big brother and have the two kids refuse to leave the stand.
4. Have the bishop get up and help your hubby with the kids.
5. Since both men can't quietly get the kids down, just have them sit with your kids behind you for the remainder of your talk.

For some odd reason it is just much easier to focus on what you are saying when your kids are in front of you (even if making faces) instead of behind you.

(In case you are wondering, this really did happen on Sunday. To put the icing on the cake, Drew threw up in the car on the way home. Yea for being a mom!!!)

Here are the little "angels" right before church. Boy, I had no idead what was about to unfold within the next hour. Haha

Ward Halloween Party. The Super Family

1 comment:

The Lewis's said...

I spoke in Sunday too! But I am happy to say things went much better for me.

Sorry to hear your experience, it sounds rough but at least makes for a very entertaining story.