Wednesday, June 24, 2009


We've been pretty busy lately.
I've been wanting to make baby #2 a quilt for his crib that will match Christopher's. Anyway, I got the fabric for it a few weeks ago and last week my friends Rachael and Dana helped me out with it. This is a quick picture of the finished product.

Last week we also took Christopher to get his 1 year pictures taken. Here are some of our favorites.

Yesterday I did my first Craigslist purchase. I've been wanting to buy a little playground for Christopher and I finally found one for a good price. I was so excited about buying it that I called my mother-in-law right away to come out to the place and help me pick it up. We some how managed to fit the whole thing in our 2 cars. Now all we need is a yard to put it in. This is what the playground looks like, although this is not my playground nor my yard. :(

We're still house hunting. It's getting pretty frustrating and I'm growing exhausted of having to go up and down our apartment stairs 2-3 times a day carrying Christopher. I was hoping we would be moved out by the time the baby comes, but it doesn't seem like it will happen.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I Can't Believe He's 1!!!

I can't believe my little baby turned 1 this week!!! Time seems to just have flown by. He is the happiest little guy and it really has been a great blessing to have stayed home with him this year. I have to admit that not everyday is amazing in a mother's world, but we definitely had far more great days than bad ones.

We celebrated his birthday with a little "Puppy Party" with our family. Since we consider Christopher to be our little puppy, (if you haven't read the puppy post scroll down and this will make more sense) we threw him a doggy party complete with hotdogs, pupcakes (served in a dog bowl), and the cousins got to take home little doggy bags. The kids got to go swimming, and it was a very pleasant day overall. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Cake Table

Gifts and Party Favors

He LOVES the pool (which is a little scary)

Singing "Happy Birthday"

I thought he would hesitate a little before touching or trying the cupcake, but he just attacked it!

Since this is getting kind of long, I made the pictures smaller.

Cleaning up cake mess and opening presents.

This post is supposed to be all about Christopher, but I guess since he's got a little brother on the way soon, he'll need to learn to share the attention. My great friends Rachael and Dana threw me a ward baby shower on Friday, even though I insisted I didn't need one. The theme was movie premiere "Baby Garrett II". I got lots of diapers and wipes (everything I really wanted!!) Thanks girls!!!!

Dana, Me and Rachael

As you can see, Rachael is really talented. She made that delicious and cute cake, and came up with all the decoration ideas! (We even had a red carpet and paparazzis stalking us as we walked in.)