Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Merry Christmas

I can't believe it's already December. This year has literally flown by. Katharine is 7 months. She can sit (the dismount isn't the best, but we are working on it), she army crawls all over the house, loves to eat, and is finally sleeping through the night. She has been the slowest to actually sleep through the night, but considering she's my last baby, I'm okay with it. It's funny how much more patient I am with her because I know she is the last.

Christopher and Andrew are both doing well in school. I'm happy with their reading progress and I really like their school and teachers. The boys are taking piano lessons from a friend, Cassandra, in our ward. She does a great job with them and they just had their first piano recital this past weekend. Drew was super nervous and we only got him to play one song (Jingle Bells). Christopher loved all the attention and wanted to play everything he knows. He played Christmas Canon and Jack on the Beanstalk (a piece from his piano book). Haha, they couldn't be more different!

Clarissa is still as girly as can be. She loves holding and helping with Kate. She loves preschool, crafts, playdough and makeup. She is my human tornado. My house is always a mess because of all the toys she gets out. I shouldn't complain because at least she plays with her toys, contrary to the boys that like to buy them but never play with it.

We now have 3 fish. Flash is Drew's and he's still alive. He 1.5 years old. Christopher's fish, Violet, died Thanksgiving weekend. So we bought Violet the 2nd and Ashley for Christopher and Clarissa. I have actually learned to love our fish and we were all pretty sad when the first Violet died. I wish the kids would be content and satisfied with just having fish as pets. I really do not look forward to the day we get a dog. As of right now we can't anyway, because Christopher is so severely allergic to them.

Cory is almost done with his Master's program at Grand Canyon University. He's got a few classes left, and I'm looking forward to having a husband again. I'm still working with the Young Women in our ward. Of the 10 years we've been married I've held a calling in the YW for 9 of those years! I love serving with the youth, but I have to admit that I'm getting a little tired. This past year as president as really done it for me. I think it's the ward council meetings that have gotten me worn out.

The boys have said some funny things lately. I can't remember everything but I need to record 2 specific one before I forget. They both happened the same day while I was driving the kids in the car.
Andrew: Christopher when you grow up will you still go to church?
Me: (silent, just totally waiting for the answer)
Christopher: Of course I will, I want to go to the Celestial kingdom.
Me: Sigh, I guess he is learning after all.

Christopher bragging: I'm going to turn 16 first, so I get to drive before you!
Andrew with a teasing voice: Yeah, but that means you get puberty first.
Christopher: Oh man! I'm not happy about that part.
Me: What does it mean to GET puberty/
Andrew: snickers,  you get hair ALL over your body!
Haha, these boys crack me up!!!

Again, my super talented friend Rachael did a fabulous job taking our family pictures for our Christmas cards. We've been  incredibly blessed this year and are so lucky to have so many dear friends and family near us this time of year. I'm trying to make Christmas a little more Christ-centered this year. The kids initially fought me on my idea of switching out regular tree ornaments for a "Jesus" tree. I really like how the tree turned out. We have also had the kids help us move and hide “baby Jesus” throughout the house. The kids have begged for an Elf on the shelf, and I really don’t like having to move the dang Elf every night. This was my way to remind them that Christ can see them from anywhere and shift the moving responsibility to them. They’ve had fun with it, but still want an elf next year. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

 I love Kate's big smile on this one!