Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spring Break

The boys had Spring Break this week, and I somehow survived. We had a super busy week filled with activities,and on top of everything I'm still taking online classes for my teacher recertification. I'm to the point that I'm counting down the weeks until my life gets back to normal. There's only one problem, I will finish my classes when school let's out, so "normal" won't really happen again until the fall.
Tom and Lori have spent the week in town, so the kids have had lots of time to visit with their cousins. It's been nice to have them to hang out with almost everyday.
Before I start to post pictures of everything we did I have one last BIG news. Clarissa is potty trained!! My baby is no longer in diapers. It's hard to believe, but it feels so good to not have to change any more diapers. She hasn't peed her night time diaper in 1 week (she's only been potty trained for a couple weeks) but I'm not ready to completely remove it and have to clean up an accident.
I better get to bed. I play the organ tomorrow at church, so I need to be rested for that. This is only my second time playing the organ, and I have a feeling things won't go as smooth this time around. Is it the fact that I haven't practiced as much?! Not good!

I turned 30 last month and as part of the celebration I participated in an urban scavenger hunt. Kind of like the Amazing Race. Cory and I love that show and always talk about how we want to go on it one day. Anyway, this was a little dream come true. My friends Staci and Michelle joined us and totally saved us that day!

Swimming with cousins during Spring Break.  

Cissa and Blake at Crackerjax 

We went to the zoo with some ward friends. Clarissa has never been to the zoo before, so this was a much overdue visit. 

I wasn't planning on having the kids play on the splash pad at the zoo, but they insisted and I caved. They had to play with their clothes since I didn't bring swimsuits. They had a blast! Thanks Tiffany for getting us in for free.

Playing with mud at the park. This is what happens when mom doesn't go to the park with them and dad and grandma are in charge. They loved getting dirty with their Garrett cousins. Drew actually refused to play with mud, he made sure he stayed clean. Definitely my kid! 

All 10 Garrett cousins at the Play Factory. This place was empty, for once, and it was nice to just have the play area pretty much for ourselves.