Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I've been meaning to post more pictures of Clarissa, but never seem to find the time. Christopher is in school and the other kids are sleeping (due to an early morning for everyone - they woke up at 4:50 AM and didn't want to go back down).

I'm exhausted, so this is just a quick post. I took Clarissa's 1 month pictures a couple weeks ago and here are my favorite. I didn't really like the photographer, so I'm not too impressed with these shots.

She was not very happy for pictures. All she wanted was her binky.

The girl taking her pictures did not do a good job (granted she had a crying baby to work with, but most her angles were bad). Here's Clarissa in her blessing dress.

My little boy is 2. (I took these back in July)

He's such a good little boy.

Chillin like a villain

Christopher fell from he jungle gym at the park a few weeks ago (19 days to be exact). He cried like crazy and said his foot hurt. We took him to the doctor the next day, but everything seemed fine, it just looked like it was bruised. A week later the kid was still limping so we took an x-ray and yesterday we finally got a call back from his doctor telling us he broke is foot. He actually has 2 fractures and needs to have it cast. The kid has been walking, running and jumping on a broken foot for 3 weeks and doesn't even complain of pain!!! I felt horrible though, for not being more proactive about finding out about his x-ray results earlier. My mom bought Christopher a t-shirt when she was in town and it says "Never Stop". Sooo appropriate!!! Even with an injury the kid never stops.

Lastly, I went to the Relief Society broadcast this weekend and it was AMAZING. I'm sure everyone who attended it fell in love with President Uchtdorf's message. He suggested 5 things we sister should not forget. I'm posting it so I don't forget this in a few weeks.

1. Forget not to have patience with yourself - no one is perfect, be patient with yourself and your weaknesses.

2. Forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice - don't waste your time on foolish things.

3. Forget not to be happy now - don't spend your life waiting for your dreams/goals to come true saying you will be happy when it happens. Look at your everyday blessings and be happy with your life now.

4. Forget not the why of the gospel - don't think of the gospel as a to do list.

5. Forget not that the Lord love you - God has not forgotten you. He's aware of you, your fears, your trials. He loves you and has not forgotten you.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Welcome Clarissa

This is way overdue, but our sweet baby Clarissa arrived on August 9th. She is a really good baby and is very loved by the whole family. I've had a crazy month adjusting to life with 3 kids, culminating on my whole family flying in for her baby blessing. We had a great time, I was super busy, and am glad life is staring to go back to normal.

Clarissa arrived 1 day early from my scheduled c-section date, even though I tried my hardest to postpone it. She was scheduled for the 10th, which is my grandma's birthday and I really wanted for them to share birthdays. I went into labor Tuesday morning and after hiding/fighting/refusing to have Cory take me to the hospital I was finally dragged there. The checked me and said I could either stay and have the baby that day, or go home and come back the next morning, when I was scheduled to go.

What did I choose? Go home. Too bad the contractions got really bad by the afternoon, that this time I was asking to go to the hospital. She arrived safe and healthy that evening, and has been a good baby since.

At 4 weeks she started smiling and sleeping 8 hours at night. Although sleeping through the night does not happen every night, we will gladly take what we get!!

Quick updates on the boys:

Christopher has started preschool at his new school and he loves it (and so do I). He goes to school for 5 hours 3 times a week.

We have started to potty train Drew this week. He is catching on fast, wish me luck!!!