Monday, September 22, 2014

Kids say the silliest things

Christopher started piano lessons today. On our way to his teacher's house he says "mom, I'm a little nervous. Is my teacher pretty?" That's always his main concern. He seems to always get the "old ladies" as teachers (at least in school, not church) and ends falling in love with them and thinking they are beautiful anyway. Tonight after his lesson he was telling Cory about his day and this is what he said "my piano teacher is a little old and a little fat, but she's super nice. She even gave me a chocolate for doing good." I guess as long as she keeps bribing him with candy, she'll stay on his good list.
Last weekend Christopher was talking to Cory about pajamas.
Christopher: "dad, why don't you have pajamas?"
Cory: "I don't really like wearing them. I like to sleep in shorts."
Christopher: "when I grow up I'm going to sleep in pajamas. I don't want to sleep next to my woman naked, that's just gross."
I was listening in and couldn't stop laughing. I need to make sure I get him a nice pair of pajamas as a wedding gift, and that story is coming out on his reception party!
Clarissa started preschool a couple of weeks ago. She LOVES it. She begs to go to school everyday, to bad it's only 3 times a week.
Drew is starting to get used to kindergarten. He never really liked school before, so everyday, full day kindergarten is a stretch for him. I told him during the second week of school that it is a law for kids to go to school. If he doesn't go I can get in trouble. It kept him quiet for a few days, then he remembered his old preschool, and begged to be able to go to preschool again. Nice try buddy, but you're too old for that.

 Drew's first day in Kindergarten.

 1st day of School
I got a "new" calling. I'm still working with the Young Women at our ward, but I was called to be the President. I'm a little overwhelmed with the calling. I've served as a counselor for the past 4.5 years and loved it, but president is a lot of meetings/responsibility. I have beam blessed with Amazing counselors and secretary, so hopefully I'll do okay.
Cory starts his master's program this week. I'm excited for this step in our life but nervous about having to hold down the fort for longer hours so he can go to school and study.

 Clarissa getting her first professional hair cut. she's had several trims at home by my mom, but this was the real thing. She got 3 inches chopped and her hair is still long!

We went crawdad fishing during labor day. The kids had a really good time. I'm grateful for outdoorsy friends.