Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Birthday Help

I have a dumb dilemma that requires some girl help. I scheduled my c-section about 2 weeks ago and found out my doctor is delivering my baby on his birthday. Should I get him anything (besides paying the fat check he'll send me in the mail a few weeks later)?

I know this sounds really trivial to some of you, but birthdays are a pretty big deal for me and I feel like since I'm forcing the man to work on his birthday I might as well bring him a treat. Do you think I can sneak some cupcakes into the OR? (haha- wouldn't that be funny?!)

Anyway - please give me your suggestions on what would be an appropriate gift to your OB.

On a not so related birthday note. Happy Birthday Cory!!! He turned 25 yesterday and is now officially my age. I invited a couple of friends with their families over for pizza (great excuse to not cook) and boy, the realization that our birthday parties will consist of much chaos for the next few years hit us pretty hard. We still had a good time though.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Did I Bring Home a Baby or a Puppy?

Lately I've been wondering if I brought home a baby or a puppy from the hospital. Here are my top 10 reasons why I think I have a puppy. (In no particular order)

1. Likes to chew on shoes.
2. Bites other dogs' tails (or at least tries too).
3. Carries things around with his mouth.

4. Likes to curl up with clean laundry.

5. Loves to chew on leather (I have to explain the picture - this is my piano bench that is now covered with a blanket because I got tired of stopping Christopher from chewing on it. I just got this piano for Christmas and he has chewed a few holes through the bench already).

6. Growls at you when mad.
7. Plays in/with the trash.

8. Eats food from the trash.
9. Begs you for food when you sit to eat.
10. Likes to go on walks (I know I'm not supposed to put pictures of naked babies on my blog, but he has a diaper on. That counts, right? Anyway this was taken after he got back from his walk. We can't put the stroller away right away or else he throws a fit, so he was playing with it).