Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Boys

This year I went the easy way and decided to combine the boys birthday party. We threw them a party at McDonald's right between both their birthdays. I have to admit it was weird to sing Happy Birthday to them when it really was neither of their birthdays, but it sure made my life easier. Here are some of our highlights.
Christopher was obsessed with the cupcakes. He had to have one before it was time. But I guess that's the perk of being the party kid. You get whatever you want.
My cute little boy putting on his party hat. I had to buy hats because he specifically asked for it. (They are such a waste of money!!!)
Drew playing on the playground.How would wee survive without inside playgrounds during the summer?
I can't believe it, one decent picture of the whole family. We sang Happy Birthday twice. This one only shows Christopher's cupcake tower, but Drew had one for him too. Actually Drew's cupcake stand tipped over a little before we sang to them, so we just had to switch the top cupcake when it was singing time because the second stand wasn't too reliable.
Who had the idea of getting bright blue, green and orange cupcakes? It was such a mess, that's okay, I only had to deal with it once, instead of twice.Opening gifts
Drew fell in love with his "Rex". He carries it around and calls him Rexy. Thanks Cammie!!
Well, I think I'm all caught up with my blogging, so you probably won't hear from me until after the baby. Wish me luck!! I hope it's soon!!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Random Thoughts

We've had a lot going on recently and I better blog about it now while I have time, or I'll never get to it.
My in-laws treated us to a trip to Sedona for the 4th of July. We had a great time swimming and playing with the Schmid cousins. The weather was amazing (I guess anything is amazing compared to the 118 degrees that was in Phoenix that weekend). It was literally a torture to have to come back to the valley and deal with this NASTY monsoon season!!!
At the airport overlook. I was quite impressed we were able to snap a decent picture of 5 kids.
This is the best our little family could come up with!!
This picture pretty much summarizes our mini-vacation. Hanging out a grandma and grandpa's resort eating popsicles and swimming. The boys loved hanging out at the patio and they would scream high to EVERYONE that walked by.
Cory and I had been to Sedona once before, but only for a day. This time we drove around and got to know more of this beautiful city. We were just in awe with all the amazing views that the residents of Sedona see daily. It made us wonder if they even appreciate it and notice it, like we outsiders did.
Our little hotel was next to an outlet mall, so on Saturday we were even able to go shopping for a bit. We had not planned on it, but who can really pass up 65% off at the GAP? (Well, a very pregnant lady can, but her husband can't and there were some great deals for the kids too).
Last week Cory took Christopher to get his 3 year old pictures taken. I was busy with other things and was going to have to cancel the appointment, so he decided to help me out. I have to admit I was a little nervous of what the outcome would be, but they did great. I can't believe my baby is 3!! (Actually he's been 3 for over a month now).
He's been talking (like real sentence talking) for a while now, and now I have to deal with talking back. I didn't think this would happen until he became a teenager, but I guess I was wrong. Some days he's the sweetest little boy and I just love him to pieces. And then there are the bad days, that get me on my knees pleading with Heavenly Father for patience and ideas on how to be a better mother. Right now the main problem is that I don't have enough patience to deal with the lack of maturity and huge amounts of craziness this little guy has.
This (ugly) picture is for my mom. She's been bugging me to post a pregnancy picture. Here's me at 34 weeks.
I'm currently 35 weeks (4 weeks left until schedule c-section date). I can't stand the heat anymore and I'm officially unpleasant to be around. I whine and complain most of the time and I don't EVER want to be pregnant again. I think I can finally say I AM DONE (just need to convince my other half that WE are done).
This has been a fairly easy pregnancy, but I just go CRAZY when I'm pregnant. And I really mean crazy. My poor family should not have to suffer through mom being pregnant again!!!
I had my last baby shower this week, and my good friend (and visiting teacher) Ivana was kind enough to come over and take ALL of my baby stuff to her house to wash. At this point, I'm accepting all the help I can get. I'm getting really excited and ANXIOUS to meet this little girl. She is a mover and I can't wait to see her and get to know her personality.
I could go on and on about how I'm done being pregnant, and done with the summer, but this post is too long so I better finish here. I totally forgot I still haven't posted about the boys birthday party. I need to get the pictures on this computer and then I'll post about it.