Sunday, December 5, 2010

Funny Moments

We’ve had funny things happen during this past month, but I never seem to find time to blog them. I’ve been keeping track of it on a piece of paper, and now that I’m finally blogging, they don’t seem to be as funny, but I’ll record them anyway. Maybe one day I’ll laugh at them again! J

I sold my digital piano about a month ago and bought a real piano. Boy, I love craigslist!! Anyway, the piano I was purchasing was all the way out in EAST Mesa (a good 45 minutes drive away). Cory and I loaded the kids in the car, packed lots of goodies, a DVD player and some movies and off we went to buy the piano. 5 minutes into the drive Christopher starts to complain about his tummy. We tried distracting him with mints, songs, talking… anything that would get his head off his stomach. Well, that didn’t seem to work so I jumped in the back and sat prepared with a puke bag in hand. Sure enough about 20 minutes out from our destination Christopher started throwing up. The funny part is that just as Christopher started to puke Drew started to cry and when I looked over he was also full on throwing up!! Haha, Cory looked back and just started to laugh hysterically. Seriously, 2 kids throwing up at the exact time?!! Luckily I was able to catch all of Christopher’s in the bag, and I’ve gotten so good at cleaning throw up in the car, that we didn’t even need to stop so I could clean Drew. I was somehow able to clean the car seat and change the kid while he was still strapped.

When Drew gets tired he becomes VERY needy. He just wants to be held, and even then he’s not happy. So the other day we were at my in-laws for Sunday dinner, and since we tend to leave at the kids bed-time, we already pack their toothbrushes and pajamas so they can fall asleep in the car. This day Drew was being his normal cranky self, tugging on my legs as I was getting the toothbrushes ready. (By the way, the kid HATES brushing his teeth). Then, I had a brilliant idea, I got the toothbrush and showed it to Drew. It worked like magic!! The kid stopped crying and ran as fast as he could to the other side of the room. I started laughing so hard. Seriously, I should walk around with his toothbrush in my pocket. This way whenever I need to do something I can just flash it at him and he’ll run for his life. Crazy Drew!!

Lately Christopher has been into playing with cars and dinosaurs. A few weeks ago Christopher was playing pretend with his dino. He turned to me and said “Dinosaur eat pao (bread)”. So I went to the fridge and got him a slice of bread. He had a few bites of it and shared with the dinosaur. Then he had a brilliant idea, if I asked for bread and got it, let’s try something else, so he said “Dinosaur eat hopsicle?” I couldn’t stop laughing. Sorry bud, dinosaurs don’t eat popsicles, at least not the ones in this house. Good try though.

To end my funny moments I’ll tell the most recent one. This one wasn’t so funny though. Last week we were at my in-laws enjoying leftovers the day after Thanksgiving. We usually put a gate up blocking the boys from the bedroom area. This day we decided not to do so, since their cousins where there and they were playing pretty well together. Boy, don’t I regret that!!! That night Drew got into the bathroom in one of the rooms and decided to throw a remote control in the toilet. I found him happily splashing a way with the soaked remote at the bottom of the bowl. AHHH!!!! Then, to end the night, Cory and I were talking to my mother-in-law as Christopher played in the bedroom. He was so quiet Cory decided to check on him. He found Christopher with a Sharpie coloring on their white doors. He managed to get 2 doors really bad, and a little bit on the wall. Seriously kids, we give a little bit of freedom and this is what you do? Today when we went there for dinner we had the gates up again!!!

Christopher has been talking more and more lately. In fact that kid is never quiet and he only has one volume: LOUD!!! These are some of his cute words:

hiffo - hippo

hopsicle - popsicle

lu-of – Rudolf (the red nose reindeer)

it’s uge – it’s huge. Usually when he sees any kind of Santa Claus (even small decorative ones)

Enough with the writing. Here are some funny pictures of the boys, mostly Christopher.

He was playing outside with chalk today and decided to color his nose red. I called him "Christopher the red nose little boy"
Better late than never. Halloween pictures!! Drew the giraffe and Christopher as Buzz.

Sooooo happy!!!

To infinity, and beyond!

Where did the boys go? I gace Christopher an umbrella to play with and this is how I found the boys.

First visit to the dentist. Aunt Kady cleaned his teeth and he did great!! (he actually realy liked it, even though it looks like he's terrified in the picture.)

These are my mom's cleaning gloves. Christopher loves playing with them. In fact, this day he wanted to leave the house with them on. At least he never left the car with them. I guess he was too embarassed to do that.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I had some pictures taken lately of the boys and of the family. WOW I did not imagine it would be so difficult to get some nice shots of the kids together. They usually do great when I take their pictures individually, but once you add both kids, it's pretty much impossible!!!

I still need to upload Halloween pictures. This year Christopher was Buzz Lightyear and Drew was a giraffe. Christopher LOVED his costume. In fact he actually still likes to put it on and play around in it. I went shopping this week for costumes for next year. I'm so proud of myself, I bought ALL of our costumes (even Cory's and mine) for a grand total of $23. That's less than 6 bucks a piece!!

Other than that life is pretty much the same. Drew has been a much happier baby latelly. He's actually been really cute, him and Christopher play well together. Christopher has been doing much better with using the potty. He pees in it without a problem, but still hasn't gone poop. I still haven't let him roam around in just underwear though. I'm not sure how to do the bathroom scene when I'm out shopping with the two boys. Any suggestions? How do I help Christopher use the bathroom and hold Drew at the same time?

Better get going. I still haven't had dinner, and this post is way longer than I expected.

My cute boys

This is the reality of family pictures. Hard to get Drew to smile. Impossible to get Christopher to sit still!!!

Brothers! I love them!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


The other day Cory and I got out our journals and spent some time reading through the past. We had such a good time and I realized that since I've started to blog, I've been using this as my journal and I haven't really been good at writing stories about my day to day. My goal is to write at least once a month, and I'm good at posting once a month, but I do a lot of picture posts and not a lot of story behind it.

Anyway, that was a long intro. Let me just begin with saying that I'm sick and tired of cleaning Christopher's puke!!! Yes, he still throws up at least once a month, and most of the time in the car. Today he did it again. We were almost home and he started complaining "tummy hurt". I wasn't prepared because we were in Cory's car (which means I didn't have my normal gallon Ziploc bag and towel at hand). Well, he did it. He threw up all over himself and the car when we were only 1 minute away from home. Will he ever outgrow his car sickness?!

On another note. I thought Christopher was a gross little boy, but I'm starting to think Drew is worse. We are trying to potty train Christopher, so anytime Drew sees the bathroom door opened he makes a run for it. He loves to stick his hands in the bowl and make HUGE splashes. He always enjoy getting into dirty diapers. If I don't throw them away fast enough, he most likely gets into them. AHHHH!!! This week as I was on the phone with one of the ladies I visit teach I heard Christopher say "coco potty" (poop in the potty). Well, next thing I see is Christopher without diapers in the bathroom (poop on the diaper), Drew with both hands in the toilet and Christopher saying "drink". Yes, he (Christopher) was trying to stick his head in the bowl and get a drink! GROSS BOYS!!! Needless to say I had to hang up very quickly, and somehow I managed to get things cleaned up without killing a kid. I'm sure one day I'll look back and laugh at this.

This week we started taking Christopher's binky away. He's been doing very well, and I think I'm having more withdrawals than he is. I have been tempted to offer him a binky so many times when he was sad, even though he hasn't asked for it. I didn't know this binky thing would be harder on me than on him. I guess I'm just losing my baby.

Christopher has also started saying prayers. It's really cute to see him say them. He usually lets us help him but sometimes he insists on doing it by himself. A couple weeks ago I was at mutual and Christopher said the night time prayer. This is what Cory texted me:

"Heavenly Father

Bless Drew night night

Bless mamae, ... "and beyond"

In the name of J.C. Amen"

In case you are wondering the "and beyond" part see if this serves as a hint. Who says "to infinity, and beyond!"? If you answered Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story you're correct. He LOVES Buzz and calls him "And Beyond". In the past month we have seen Toy Story at least once a day. Good thing we own the first 2 and he doesn't care which one he watches. I laughed pretty hard when I got the text and realized he was asking for Buzz to be protected.

Since this journaling attempt has gotten longer than expected I'll stop now, and of course, I'll leave you with some pictures.
Do I bug you? Poor Christopher his little brother won't leave him alone not even when he's drinking his milk. Good thing he's a good sport about it.

Drew is our first child to get a bee sting. If you look closely you'll see how his right index finger is fatter than the one on the left. He picked up a bee at the park and tried eating it. Than when I pulled it out of his mouth he screamed at me because I took away his "treat".

Got stickers?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Movie Time

Grab your popcorn and a drink because this is a “movie” post. I’ve been meaning to post these videos for a while, but just now got the chance. They are really short, though.

Drew has been walking for a few weeks now. I know, I’m a bad mother, I don’t blog about my children’s accomplishments as often as I should. Anyway, he started walking around the 1st of the month, and now he’s quite fast on his feet. I took the video when he had been walking for just a week.

This video is about the boys playing outside. I’ve said before that Drew absolutely LOVES his big brother. Well, here’s the proof. Christopher was playing with sand and rocks outside and Drew couldn’t stop laughing. Super cute!!! I love baby giggles!!!!

Lastly, this one is mainly for me. I know my little boy will one day grow up and say “I hate you mom” (not looking forward to that day). This video is for when that day comes, so I can play it and know he really meant he loves me. I love his cute high pitched voice!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Drew's Pictures

We took Drew to get his 1 year old pictures last week. He did great and we got some really cute shots. The studio gave us the idea of bringing in a birthday cake to take pictures of Drew eating it. He was so focused in eating the cake that it was hard to get him actually smiling on those, but they still turned out adorable. Here are some of my favorites.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What would you do if...

What would you do if you opened the door to your son's room and found this?

(No the brown stuff isn't chocolate)

And this... (no those aren't bunny tracks)

I learned two painful lessons this morning.

1- Christopher no longer needs a morning nap. (He fought it for 45 minutes this morning until I finally gave up and decided to let him free. Unfortunately, I have to admit he has WON this battle!!)
2- I guess it's time for potty training. He's been fighting me for the past few weeks on not wanting to wear his diapers. The past couple days he's even told me he needs to go poop in the toilet, but I just kind of "forced" him to go in his diapers. Well, this morning after I opened his door, he looked at me and said "coco potty" (poop in the toilet). I guess I better listen to him next time he tells me he wants to use the potty.
I have more fun and exciting things to blog about, but it will have to wait until I get over my poop shock. For now you get poop pictures.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Drew's 1!!!

I can't believe this day has come! My baby turned one last week and we threw him a "car" themed party. I decorated the cake myself (ok, I admit I had a lot of help from a friend, but I did do the cupcakes completely alone) and it turned out adorable!! The food table was also super cute but we didn't get any pictures of it. It had dump trucks dumping out corndogs, carrying sandwhiches and even carrying some dulce de leche for churros. I also had traffic signs printed directing the flow of the buffet line (one way signs at the beginning, slow sign in the middle, and stop at the end).

Ok, I guess I should also blog about the birthday boy. Haha, what kind of mom am I? I was more excited about my decorations than the actual reason for celebrating. We kept the party pretty low key and only invited family this time. I think that next year we will combine Christopher's and Drew's party into 1 bigger celebration, so this way I don't get burned out with Christopher's birthday and do something small for Drew.

Today I was actually thinking about how Drew is the "perfect" first child. At first he was a very challenging baby. He didn't eat well, he didn't sleep well (until he was about 3 months), he had LOTS of colic, he loved to be held (ALL the time). Get the picture?! Christopher was not like that at all, and that's why we decided to have another one so quick. I have come to a conclusion that if Drew was born first he would still be a single child!

Anyway, he has come a LONG way in a year, and I was actually happy to have my baby turn 1. He's become a much better child. He loves to play with his brother. In fact, the first time Drew giggled real hard was when he was 5 months and he was watching Christopher jump on the couch. He absolutely enjoys watching Christopher perform his stunts and then tries to imitate them (pretty funny to watch). He's become a great eater and loves solid "people" food. He's becoming a little "fruit fly" just like Christopher (they go through so much fruit in a day).

I could just go on and on about how cute he is, but since this post is getting too big, I'll leave with some of the party pictures for now.

Cake Table. The blue truck on the right is holding the forks.
Top view of the cake.

Oh, what a proud family of their little Drew!!

Cake? What's that mom?

Umm, cake!!! I don't know what's up with him, but he's been doing these "cheesy grins" when he's happy.

He definitely got cake ALL over. Even the wall!!

Opening presents. Better, watching Christopher open his prestents.

My mom's gift included 2 camping chairs (yeah I know, Christopher scored too). Drew LOVES sitting and relaxing on his chair. Can you tell?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Terrible 2

I was so scared of Christopher turning 2 because I didn't want to deal with the tantrums. Oh, how innocent was I thinking that the terrible twos was only about tantrums!!! In our case, it means getting into anything and everything, and doing everything he shouldn't do (and he's only been 2 for 1 month. Boy I'm in trouble).

Yesterday he:

1- escaped from the mall play area 3 times (one of the times, I actually didn't see him and found him near the mall exit door)

2- ripped a bag of cookies that Cory was going to take to the family he home teaches.

3- got into the fridge a thousand times (a no-no at our house)

4- hit Drew and I a few times

5- threw his binky in the toilet (that I had just peed in and didn't have time to flush)

and the list goes on...

Today he's already been in time out twice (and he's only been up for 1 hour). Ahhh, does this ever end?

Last night when I got home from church he was still up, laying in my bed with Cory. I told Cory I would put him down. It was actually a great end to such a tough day. Christopher just cuddled with me for a good 20 minutes. He giggled when I gave him butterfly and Eskimo kisses and then he went to bed without screaming and crying. It gave me hope that today would be a better day, I'm still hanging on to that feeling. Haha

Right now he's quietly sitting down watching Caillou (which he's addicted to). I guess I better get going and give him lots of hugs and kisses.

Meanwhile I have Drew tugging at my leg begging for attention. I guess I better blog about him too. He's becoming quite the little tormentor. He lives to bug his brother. He follows Christopher around all day and loves to climb and crawl all over him. He'll take anything Christopher has in his hands, specially if it's food. Christopher has learned to eat his snacks standing on the couch or sitting on the couch arm, so Drew can't get to him. It's actually pretty funny.

Here are some of Christopher's professional 2 year old pictures. He's such a cutie!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Christopher is 2!!!

I can't believe my baby turned two this month!! I know it's cliché but I remember the day he was born, and the great feeling of holding him in my arms for the very first time. He just laid on top of me quietly looking at Cory and I. Definitely a very peaceful and special moment in our lives!!!!

Anyway, the little man is official 2, and to celebrate we threw him a "surfer" party. Since the kid loves water I thought the theme couldn't be more appropriate. He had a blast, and so did our kid guests. The adults had to endure the painful 107 degrees weather that day, but it was all worth it. Thanks to all those who made it, and for the great gifts!!! Here are some of my favorite pictures. If you feel like these aren't enough, just email me and I'll send you a link to the 180 other pictures Cory took during the party. :)

The birthday boy playing in his pool
The beautiful and amazing cake my friend Rachael made as her gift. It totally completed the surfer theme!!

Where the kids were entertained for almost 2 hours

My favorite picture!!! Drew hated the kiddy pool at first. Than we gave him a pretzel, and his mood changed!! Here he is all proud with his pretzel in hand
Christopher's future girl!! (Livy)

The 4 of us. Oh, how hard is it to get everyone looking and smiling at the camera?

The 4 again, but this time Drew is looking and Christopher isn't. LOL

My 2year old posing

The talented "cake lady" (aka Rachael)

Hummmmmm cake!!

opening presents

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new

We've had LOTS of changes this past month.


We finally got rid of our old ugly laminate countertops, and replaced them with beautiful granite!!! I'm so excited about my new kitchen. I couldn't stop starring at it after it was done. I need to send a BIG thanks to my hubby who worked really hard pulling the old countertops off and redoing all the new pluming.

old countertop
new countertop


We are pleased to announce we have a "new" baby. We finally figured out what was wrong with our poor Drew. He's got problems with regular iron fortified formula, so he's now on a low iron formula. He's doing great, is totally happy, can use the bathroom everyday, and just seems like a new child. He's learned to crawl, pull himself up to furniture, crawl and go back to sitting position all within one week. This past week he mastered crawling all the way up the stairs. Oh boy, I'm in trouble!!

I forgot to mention that when the kids were sick last week Drew got some weird virus that left his body covered in a rash. Here's a graphic picture (that's what mom's are for!)

Drew all proud of himself for standing up next to the couch.


Oh, where do I begin?! He's turning 2 this week and seems to have hit his terrible twos. He is getting into EVERYTHING. This past week he spilt toilet bowl cleaner all over my in-laws bathroom, drank toilet water, and finished the week with "drinking" rubbing alcohol. It wasn't so fun having to talk to poison control for the first time. I guess he never really drank it because he didn't show any of the side effects (vomiting and acting drunk).

We had the kids enrolled in swim lessons through the month of May. They both LOVED it, but aren't swimming yet. I never got a picture pf Drew in the pool, but here’s a picture of Christopher.


We sold Cory's Corolla and bought a minivan. It's taking Cory and I a little time to come up with the courage to say we own a minivan, but we actually love all the comfort it brings. Oh, it's a white Kia Sedona.