Thursday, August 12, 2010

What would you do if...

What would you do if you opened the door to your son's room and found this?

(No the brown stuff isn't chocolate)

And this... (no those aren't bunny tracks)

I learned two painful lessons this morning.

1- Christopher no longer needs a morning nap. (He fought it for 45 minutes this morning until I finally gave up and decided to let him free. Unfortunately, I have to admit he has WON this battle!!)
2- I guess it's time for potty training. He's been fighting me for the past few weeks on not wanting to wear his diapers. The past couple days he's even told me he needs to go poop in the toilet, but I just kind of "forced" him to go in his diapers. Well, this morning after I opened his door, he looked at me and said "coco potty" (poop in the toilet). I guess I better listen to him next time he tells me he wants to use the potty.
I have more fun and exciting things to blog about, but it will have to wait until I get over my poop shock. For now you get poop pictures.


The Lewis's said...

yep. gabby has been pooping on her floor almost daily recently. although for her, it's retribution when she's angry. and it works- it does punish me.

White Family said...

Oh my! Seriously Juliana, I have no idea how you handled that. Chase did one lttle poop accident in the corner of his room, no smearing, and didn’t get it anywhere else but on his body. Let’s just say any doctor that witnessed my reaction would’ve shoved a couple Prozac down my throat immediately. I was mortified. I can already tell you handled your (10x worse) situation better than I did because you’re blogging about it! Good luck on starting potty training. Any tips you have on that endeavor you can just send right my way, ugh. I’m pretty sure Landon and the rest of my future children will be toilet trained before Chase.

The Jerman Family said...

Your posts are so funny - that is pretty discussing though. Beats anything I've had to clean up, cause you know, my kids are the greatest and would never poop on the floor (haha, you know I'm kidding).