Sunday, September 26, 2010


The other day Cory and I got out our journals and spent some time reading through the past. We had such a good time and I realized that since I've started to blog, I've been using this as my journal and I haven't really been good at writing stories about my day to day. My goal is to write at least once a month, and I'm good at posting once a month, but I do a lot of picture posts and not a lot of story behind it.

Anyway, that was a long intro. Let me just begin with saying that I'm sick and tired of cleaning Christopher's puke!!! Yes, he still throws up at least once a month, and most of the time in the car. Today he did it again. We were almost home and he started complaining "tummy hurt". I wasn't prepared because we were in Cory's car (which means I didn't have my normal gallon Ziploc bag and towel at hand). Well, he did it. He threw up all over himself and the car when we were only 1 minute away from home. Will he ever outgrow his car sickness?!

On another note. I thought Christopher was a gross little boy, but I'm starting to think Drew is worse. We are trying to potty train Christopher, so anytime Drew sees the bathroom door opened he makes a run for it. He loves to stick his hands in the bowl and make HUGE splashes. He always enjoy getting into dirty diapers. If I don't throw them away fast enough, he most likely gets into them. AHHHH!!! This week as I was on the phone with one of the ladies I visit teach I heard Christopher say "coco potty" (poop in the potty). Well, next thing I see is Christopher without diapers in the bathroom (poop on the diaper), Drew with both hands in the toilet and Christopher saying "drink". Yes, he (Christopher) was trying to stick his head in the bowl and get a drink! GROSS BOYS!!! Needless to say I had to hang up very quickly, and somehow I managed to get things cleaned up without killing a kid. I'm sure one day I'll look back and laugh at this.

This week we started taking Christopher's binky away. He's been doing very well, and I think I'm having more withdrawals than he is. I have been tempted to offer him a binky so many times when he was sad, even though he hasn't asked for it. I didn't know this binky thing would be harder on me than on him. I guess I'm just losing my baby.

Christopher has also started saying prayers. It's really cute to see him say them. He usually lets us help him but sometimes he insists on doing it by himself. A couple weeks ago I was at mutual and Christopher said the night time prayer. This is what Cory texted me:

"Heavenly Father

Bless Drew night night

Bless mamae, ... "and beyond"

In the name of J.C. Amen"

In case you are wondering the "and beyond" part see if this serves as a hint. Who says "to infinity, and beyond!"? If you answered Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story you're correct. He LOVES Buzz and calls him "And Beyond". In the past month we have seen Toy Story at least once a day. Good thing we own the first 2 and he doesn't care which one he watches. I laughed pretty hard when I got the text and realized he was asking for Buzz to be protected.

Since this journaling attempt has gotten longer than expected I'll stop now, and of course, I'll leave you with some pictures.
Do I bug you? Poor Christopher his little brother won't leave him alone not even when he's drinking his milk. Good thing he's a good sport about it.

Drew is our first child to get a bee sting. If you look closely you'll see how his right index finger is fatter than the one on the left. He picked up a bee at the park and tried eating it. Than when I pulled it out of his mouth he screamed at me because I took away his "treat".

Got stickers?


Lori said...

i like reading the day to day stuff, so cute and good to write down for them to read someday! the videos were adorable! i loved seeing how big they are getting! hope all is well. we miss you guys!

The Lewis's said...

i'm glad you posted juliana. good back stories!

White Family said...

Seriously! Boys are completely disgusting. I'm praying for both of us that we have girls coming to us next. Chase is cruising for a bee sting too or worse he loves to pick up EVERY bug he sees and says he caught a bee! I guess it's good he's not trying to eat it at least. Love those toilet stories too. I should always remember to not read your blog after eating. My favorite though is Christopher's prayer. Kyle and I laughed for a good 20 minutes after we read that. That's SO stinking cute! I love it!