Thursday, July 1, 2010

Terrible 2

I was so scared of Christopher turning 2 because I didn't want to deal with the tantrums. Oh, how innocent was I thinking that the terrible twos was only about tantrums!!! In our case, it means getting into anything and everything, and doing everything he shouldn't do (and he's only been 2 for 1 month. Boy I'm in trouble).

Yesterday he:

1- escaped from the mall play area 3 times (one of the times, I actually didn't see him and found him near the mall exit door)

2- ripped a bag of cookies that Cory was going to take to the family he home teaches.

3- got into the fridge a thousand times (a no-no at our house)

4- hit Drew and I a few times

5- threw his binky in the toilet (that I had just peed in and didn't have time to flush)

and the list goes on...

Today he's already been in time out twice (and he's only been up for 1 hour). Ahhh, does this ever end?

Last night when I got home from church he was still up, laying in my bed with Cory. I told Cory I would put him down. It was actually a great end to such a tough day. Christopher just cuddled with me for a good 20 minutes. He giggled when I gave him butterfly and Eskimo kisses and then he went to bed without screaming and crying. It gave me hope that today would be a better day, I'm still hanging on to that feeling. Haha

Right now he's quietly sitting down watching Caillou (which he's addicted to). I guess I better get going and give him lots of hugs and kisses.

Meanwhile I have Drew tugging at my leg begging for attention. I guess I better blog about him too. He's becoming quite the little tormentor. He lives to bug his brother. He follows Christopher around all day and loves to climb and crawl all over him. He'll take anything Christopher has in his hands, specially if it's food. Christopher has learned to eat his snacks standing on the couch or sitting on the couch arm, so Drew can't get to him. It's actually pretty funny.

Here are some of Christopher's professional 2 year old pictures. He's such a cutie!!!


Ruth C P Rocha said...

Juuu.. não resisti em escrever! Realmente os 2 anos fazem uma mudança inacreditável nas crianças, ainda me lembro que antes o Pedro dormia a tarde toda, super tranquilo, brincadeiras tranquilas... mas logo que fez 2 anos começou a pular o berço e isso foi só o começo. Mas também eles aprendem a expressar amor melhor, tb por palavras e isso nos enche de felicidade! Com 3 ele ainda causa muuuito movimento em casa ou onde estiver (parece que fica cada dia mais díficil fazer um passeio ao shopping) mas espero que com 4 ou 5 tudo melhore!!!! Bjs

White Family said...

I love the professional pictures! Christopher is so big and handsome! You wouldn’t be able to tell that that angel face is capable of the mischief you claim he is capable of. Hopefully he will get out of the terrible two phase quickly so your sanity will remain intact. Drew sounds like he keeps up just great with his older brother. So cute!

Anonymous said...

Adoro os meninos!!! Nao vejo a hora de ver voces!!! Beijos e saudades. Ma

The Jerman Family said...

Hilarious!!!I am laughing out loud after reading this. Aren't kids great?