Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I can't believe it but my 10 months-old baby is walking!!! Here's the proof. I know I sound like I'm bragging, but this was something I just never expected from any of my kids. I come from a family of late walkers and I thought Christopher would follow the trend. Well he didn't, and now everyday I feel more like I have a toddler and not a baby. (I guess that won't be a problem soon, considering I have a new baby in the making - oh the crazy things we do.)


Bjarnson Family said...

Wow that is awesome. I am surprised that he is walking at such a young age as well. I know alot of babies that dont start walking until alittle after a year. This is sure going to make it easier (maybe) once new baby is born.

Denise said...

I saw him walk at church on Sunday and it took a minute for it to hit me, then all the sudden I was like Oh my heck he's walking... ok I didn't really say oh my heck but it sounds like something that would be said in the lobby at church. Now he just needs to teach Luc to talk.

White Family said...

Oh my goodness! How cute is he just toddling around?! He has grown up so much just in the past few months. It's so crazy how fast they grow up and sad too. I can't believe he'll be a big brother in just a few short months. It seems like just a couple weeks ago we were at Christopher's baby blessing. We can't wait to see what little brother looks like!

Anonymous said...

that is awesome! he is doing so well!

Anonymous said...

Muito lindo!!! Que coisa gostosa e fofa!!!! Queria estar ai!!! To com saudades do Christopher :(
Coloca mais fotos! Ele ta muito lindo!
Ah, a Cynthia tambem tem blog, ne? Mas eh bloqueado o dela? Queria ver as criancas...

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