Sunday, April 19, 2009


I know I'm a week late, but better late than never.
Growing up in Brazil has made Easter quite a significant holiday for me. After Christmas, it is definitely my favorite holiday. It's a tradition in Brazil to give chocolate eggs to your family and friends (maybe that's why this holiday is so "special" for me). Anyway, since we can't find chocolate eggs in the US (at least not in Brazil's size) I decided I would make it a tradition to make eggs for my family every year.

Last year I made Cory one and myself one. I ended up eating both eggs, so this year I made little eggs for the girls I visit teach and made 1 big egg for Cory and I to "share". Let's just say my half is gone, and I'm starting to work on Cory's half as I write. Here's a picture of what it looked like when it was all done and wrapped.

We also took some family pictures on our way to church. I promise I don't look this big in real life (at least that's what my friends say). I'm 22 weeks on this picture and definitely showing. I'm hoping it's the dress that makes me look so big.

Here are me cute boys!!(Little cuttie was supposed to be sitting quietly in sacrament, but decided to be loud and play outside with dad instead)

I know this is mean. But for general conference, on Sunday, we went to our friend's house for lunch. Christopher loves to play on their trampoline. This is what happened to his hair (hahaha).


Jacob and Tiffany said...

Thanks for the chocolate egg, it was delicious and so sweet of you guys to drop it by! Christopher's hair is hilarious in the last pic!

Jacob and Tiffany said...

By the way, there is this cute cute house a few houses down from us going for $100k - you should should check it out. We would buy it if we could!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the last pic!

The Jerman Family said...

Can I have your baby? He is a keeper!!! Oh, and I would love the chocolate too - thought I was family but didn't get one this year :) j/k
miss you guys. Wish I could be there to see Christopher walking.