Monday, April 4, 2016

Kate the Great

Life has just flown by. I can't believe Kate will be 1 next month. As I look back on older posts I realize I have barely written things about Kate, and I hate how quickly  her baby years are slipping away.
Kate's been a fun baby. I have pretty good babies, with the exception of Drew, but that was partially my fault for being a young mom and not knowing how to better help him with all his tummy problems. Anyway, back to Kate, I enjoy seeing the kids interact with her and the older she gets the more they can play with her. She loves her siblings! She loves it when they rough house with her, let her crawl and pull their hair while they are laying down watching TV, spit/splash water on her in the bath, and pretty much just give her any kind of attention. 
The kids have all had to step in and help me feed, hold, distract... her at some point and I'm impressed with how well they do. Clarissa is my binky whisperer. She can find Katharine's lost binkies like no one else. One day I was down to just 1 binky and Clarissa started searching the house for the rest. She found all 3 missing binkies for me! She also loves to help me feed her baby food.
Andrew is probably the best at playing with Kate. She LOVES crawling all over him when he's on the floor. She will pull his hair and his ears and he just sits there and laughs. Christopher is great at giving her a bottle when I'm in a pinch and he's super good at holding her and getting her out of trouble (like the bathroom or garage). It is nice to be able to ask them to help out with their baby sister more now that she's getting bigger.
They all fully enjoy pushing her on the swings when we go to the park. They also fight over pushing the stroller.
Katharine is a great eater. She LOVES to eat anything: baby food, cereal, snacks, bottles, rocks... hahaha. Bananas are a favorite, she also enjoys mashed potatoes, and spaghetti. We are trying to go easy on  the wheat items though. I couple weeks ago we went wheat happy (she ate 2 banana muffins and had some spaghetti in less tha. 24 hrs) and Kate broke out in hives all through her upper body. I cut her off wheat and the hives have slowly gone away. I'm starting to give her wheat again in small amounts to see if she can better tolerate it this time.
Speaking of banana muffin, I made some muffins a couple weeks ago and as I was trying to quickly cool them by placing them in the freezer, Kate grabbed a muffin near the bottom and literally devoured the thing as fast as she could. It was hilarious! I've never seen that little girl stick food in her mouth so fast.
Katharine rolled and army crawled pretty early, I thought for sure she would walk early, but she seems content for now. She's happy pulling herself up to anything and she enjoys pushing a shopping cart around the house. Kate also really likes playing the piano. She's mostly a quiet child, but she sure loves to bang on the piano keys and thinks she's hilarious for making those noises.
We sure love this little girl!

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