Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Andrew Cory Camargo Garrett born July 19, 2009 weighing 7lbs 3oz and 19.5in. He came 4 weeks early and caught us all by surprise. We have now doubled our family in just 13 small months.I woke up Sunday morning with contractions coming every 2-3 minutes, but since I was induced with Christopher and didn't know what it was like to go into labor alone I thought they were Braxton Hicks. Cory wanted me to call the doctor right away, but I'm a little more stuborned and refused to think that the baby would come earlier. In my mind for sure those were false labor pains and would go away on their own.

3 hours later I still had contractions but they were now every 10 minutes, and a little more intense. Cory paged the doctor himself because I just refused to be another women to go to the hospital early and be sent back home. I told him to get dressed for church because I wasn't going to the hospital. The doctor called us back and told me to just go to the hospital to get checked out. So we went to the hospital wearing our church clothes and I was convinced I would be leaving in 30 minutes proving to my husband that he was wrong.

Making a long story short, we got there and I was dilated to a 5 and was told I was having the baby today. That's when all the tears came in and reality started to hit. We went to the hospital with no bags packed, no camera and 2 dying phones. We managed to snag a few phone pictures of the birth in the OR before our phones died.

Life has been a little hectic around here lately but we are all doing well. The c-section has turned out to be a lot better than what I expected and I'm recovering well. Because Drew was premature he had a little problem with being Jaundice and had to go back to the hospital for another 2 days of intense light treatment. This is a picture of Drew during the light treatment at the hospital. He had to wear little shades to keep his eyes safe while under the lights. He is doing well now and we are all back home!!
This is my mom and Drew the day we left the hospital the second time.


Bjarnson Family said...

He is so cute. I cant wait to come out and see him. Congrats.

The Lewis's said...

hey, i want to see you guys again soon. hopefully you're sleeping better!

Denise said...

He is so beautiful! Congrats. And congrats on the house. Hope everything is going well and you're getting a little sleep. Please call if you need anything, we'd love to have Christopher come play for a few hours if you need a break.

Sarah said...

Congratulations! He looks beautiful! What a nice early surprise:)

Ruth C P Rocha said...

Ju e Cory, parabéns! Muita saúde,e que Andrew possa trazer muitas outras surpresas, tão boas quanto esta para sua família! Beijos no Christopher.
Ruth, Rodrigo e Pedro.

Jacob and Tiffany said...

He is adorable and I'm glad you are feeling better! Let me know if you need anything. Can't wait to see Drew!

Corynn said...

Congrats! I can't believe you went the day after I saw you! P.S. I am stalking you now too.

White Family said...

I love the birth story, I think I laugh harder everytime I hear it just picturing you telling Cory to go get ready for church. I think that's almost exactly how it was us too. Kyle was dilligently timing while I was rolling my eyes. Even when the nurses were cheking me I started laughing when I told them my contractions were 8-10 minutes apart. Thinking, "You can send me home now." I too was shocked when they said I was at a "very solid 5 almost 6". I guess it's a good thing our husbands are more paranoid than we are! Drew is such a beautiful and sweet little baby. We hope everything is going well and that you guys are enjoying your new little angel. Call me if you guys need anything!