Wednesday, December 17, 2008

6 months

Last week we took Christopher's 6 month pictures. He looks SO CUTE in them!!!
He loves this blue teddy he's holding!!
A classic Christopher holding his feet :)
On this one you can see his two bottom teeth.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Movie Time

Lately I've been putting on a Baby Einstein DVD I have for Christopher to watch while I get things done around the house. Since this doesn't happen very often, he seems to really enjoy it. It's quite funny to watch him as he is totally entertained by the movie.

He moves like this for the full 30 minutes and when I pick him up he is sweating. Quite the workout!!

Oh Christmas Tree

Wow, it's been a long time since I last posted something. But between papers and presentations due for my class, church callings, Christmas decorating and shopping, life has been pretty busy.

Last week we put up our Christmas decorations while Christopher was taking a nap. He seems to really like Christmas trees and is fascinated by them when we go to stores. So Cory and I were really excited to see his reaction when he woke up. Needless to say, he got very bright eyed when I brought him out to the living room. He was pretty excited!! I should have taken a picture of it, but I didn't think about it. So now I spend my days chasing him out from under the tree. Good thing he's not crawling yet (he rolls his way to under the tree).

Friday, November 21, 2008

Play time

Christopher LOVES playing in this toy. Speaking of which, he is in it right now, so I better get going.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Roly Poly

This past week Christopher’s gotten really good at rolling all over. Yesterday I was checking my email and left him in the living room playing on the floor near the couch. Then I started to hear a “thump, thump” noise. I went to the living room to see what was going on and this is what I found.

Mr. Roly Poly had rolled all the way to the TV and was stuck, bumping himself against our armoire. The funny part is that he only knows how to roll in one direction (as Biance sings it “to the left, to the left"). As you can see by his smile, he was VERY proud of himself!

P.S. I know this is another bad picture I took with my phone, but our camera's memory was full so I couldn't get a really good pic.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Trick or Treat

I know I'm really late at posting our Halloween pictures, but I just finally got them to my computer. Cory and I dressed up (if you can't tell Cory's a vet, I'm a vet's nurse, and Christopher is our penguin patient).

It was REALLY hot here in Phoenix that night (we were in the low 90s) and the poor baby had a very warm costume. He was actually a pretty good sport about it, considering he never cried or complained, but he also wasn't very smiley about it. Oh, I even got him a little pail to carry around.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Head to Toe

Christopher's newest thing is to play and eat his toes. It's really cute, but sometimes it gets in the way. The other day Cory was feeding him rice cereal and watching TV at the same time. So in that split second he turned his head to watch the TV, Christopher managed to get his toes in his mouth. Needless to say, the kid was literally covered in rice cereal from head to toe by the time he was done eating!!! (I have to admit that this has also happened to me. You get distracted for a second and he gets his foot in his mouth.)

Here he is, full on eating his foot!!
(I know the picture is blurry, but it's nearly impossible to take a clear picture of a moving baby)

Oh, here's a little update of what baby Christopher likes to do:

eat his feet
kick NON-STOP when trying to go to sleep (my mother-in-law watched him the other day and had to hold his feet down so he could fall asleep)
roll on to his tummy (he's not so good at rolling back to his back)
eat rice cereal (he hates his bottle though)
play in his exer-saucer (Thank you JD!!)

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I consider myself a pretty clean person. I clean my house once a week and I like things to be organized. But there are some things that I just HATE cleaning. For example, I hate mopping. Every time my mom comes in to town, it seems like she’s mopping my apartment for me. Good thing I only have 3 very small areas to be mopped.

Lately I’ve been noticing how dirty my oven looks. That’s another thing I HATE cleaning. So I gathered up the courage and cleaned the oven for the first time since I’ve been married!! (Wow that’s 3 years without being cleaned. Pretty gross!!) So, is there anything you don’t like to clean?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Just a little preview of what our neighborhood will see this Halloween. Christopher the Penguin!!

(I know I am biased, but he's so stinking CUTE!!)

Roll Over

Christopher finally rolled over (from back to side) for the first time last week. Here's a picture of him after acomplishng such a deed!!


So here are the promised Brazil pictures. He had a great time spending time with my family.

Us in my parents' neighborhood
My sister and Christopher

Eric (my brother's baby) and Topher. These two are only 15 days apart.
While in Brazil we got to go to a soccer museum. This is us with the King - Pele.

We had 2 family reunions. This is my mom's whole side of the family.
I still don't have the pictures with everyone from my dad's side, but here's us with grandparents (dad's side)
The four cousins get reunited!! We used to love playing together when little. (Now we love to chat, gossip and catch up on each other's lives when we are together.)
(from left to right: Cynthia, Renata, Me, Ruth)
My parents, grandparents (dad's side), and us
Christopher on the day he got his first tooth!! Yeah!!
Christopher and Ruth's son, Pedro.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Update + Tag

So I realize I’m really bad at this blogging business, but here’s a little update on our life. We just got back from a quick trip to Brazil this week. We usually go for at least a month, but this one didn’t last more than 2 weeks. Christopher was a good baby on the plane and in Brazil (which helped considering I was alone with him for all flights and for 1 week in Brazil). He grew his 1st tooth while we were there, and he’s just a happy little guy. I’ll post pictures sometime this week. Right now I’m just writing because I’ve been tagged by my friend Dana, so here it goes:

Answer the following with only one word.

Where is your cell phone?...................................purse
Your significant other?...................................... handsome
Your hair?................................................... complicated
Your mother?................................................... funny
Your father?.................................................... serious
Your favorite thing?........................................... food
Your dream last night.........................................forgot
Your favorite drink................................... water
Your dream/goal.................................. exaltation
The room you're in.......................................... living room
Your children?........................................... happy
Your Fear?............................................. death (losing husband/child)
Where do you want to be in 6 years?.................. my house
Where were you last night?................................home
What you're not?............................................ messy
Muffins?............................................ fattening
One of your wish list items?.................... pre-school (own one)
Where'd you grow up?.......................... Brazil
What'd you read last?....................... Book of Mormon
What are you wearing?............................PJ’s
Your TV?.......................................... off
Your pet?........................................ dead
Your computer?........................................Dell
Your life?........................................... interesting
Your mood?.................................. mild (?)
Missing someone?.................................. mom
Your car?........................................... white
Something you're not wearing?................ watch
Favorite store?.................................. (this is a hard one, it depends on what I’m buying) Ross, Babies R Us, Target (although I hate their return policy)
Your summer?..................................... HOT
Like someone?.......................... Cory
Your favorite color?......................... yellow (when I was little, today anything goes!)
Last time you laughed................................Today
Last time you cried?................................Today

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Garrett Grandchildren

All of the Garrett grandchildren gathered at Kady and Taco's home

Monday, September 1, 2008

A Taste of Things to Come

This is Christopher having a taste of rice cereal.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Case of the Giggles

We finally caught him on camera giggling. Although a little dark, the video does have great sound.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Giggle Time

Christopher is starting to giggle, and for some reason I always have my phone around and not the camera to take a good picture. Anyway, this afternoon I was playing with him and was able to catch a big smile (that actually had a giggle with it, but I didn’t have my camera to record it). He’s such a good baby, it’s been a lot of fun staying home with him!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Best Dad in the World

Every night Cory comes home and has a little alone time with his son. One of Christopher’s favorite parts of this is to lie down on his blanket and listen to Cory tell him stories. This night Cory was telling him about the 3 little pigs. Christopher was so into it that I couldn’t resist but to pick up the camera and sneak behind Cory to capture this cute father/son bonding time.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Are you ready for shark week?

Since this week is shark week on Discovery Channel, I decided to play with Christopher’s hair. We call him our baby shark. Can you tell why?

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Baby Christopher

Under the great pressure and constant inquiry of whether we have and why we don’t yet have a blog, we have finally caved and created this site. Of course news on are side first worth mentioning is the birth of our first child Christopher; born June 4, 2008. Our little toddler (as he was born 9lbs 8oz) is already smiling.