Thursday, November 13, 2008

Head to Toe

Christopher's newest thing is to play and eat his toes. It's really cute, but sometimes it gets in the way. The other day Cory was feeding him rice cereal and watching TV at the same time. So in that split second he turned his head to watch the TV, Christopher managed to get his toes in his mouth. Needless to say, the kid was literally covered in rice cereal from head to toe by the time he was done eating!!! (I have to admit that this has also happened to me. You get distracted for a second and he gets his foot in his mouth.)

Here he is, full on eating his foot!!
(I know the picture is blurry, but it's nearly impossible to take a clear picture of a moving baby)

Oh, here's a little update of what baby Christopher likes to do:

eat his feet
kick NON-STOP when trying to go to sleep (my mother-in-law watched him the other day and had to hold his feet down so he could fall asleep)
roll on to his tummy (he's not so good at rolling back to his back)
eat rice cereal (he hates his bottle though)
play in his exer-saucer (Thank you JD!!)

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