Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So here are the promised Brazil pictures. He had a great time spending time with my family.

Us in my parents' neighborhood
My sister and Christopher

Eric (my brother's baby) and Topher. These two are only 15 days apart.
While in Brazil we got to go to a soccer museum. This is us with the King - Pele.

We had 2 family reunions. This is my mom's whole side of the family.
I still don't have the pictures with everyone from my dad's side, but here's us with grandparents (dad's side)
The four cousins get reunited!! We used to love playing together when little. (Now we love to chat, gossip and catch up on each other's lives when we are together.)
(from left to right: Cynthia, Renata, Me, Ruth)
My parents, grandparents (dad's side), and us
Christopher on the day he got his first tooth!! Yeah!!
Christopher and Ruth's son, Pedro.

1 comment:

Tanner said...

Oh so cute! Love all the pics! Your little baby boy is growing up isn't he!?! Hope all is well!
