Friday, March 22, 2013

Phone Post

I am trying to figure out how to post from my phone. I wish I posted the things the kids do and say more often, but I feel like I can never get to the computer. Maybe this will help me a little.

I have been in a cooking craze lately. Not sure what's up, but I've been "baking" a lot. During Halloween I cooked and pureed all the pumpkins we bought (4 in total), so since then I have made several pumpkin recipes (cookies, muffins, pancakes, soups and and AMAZING pumpkin Alfredo). The kids don't seem to mind, and I feel good about sneaking in the vegetables (I try to forget that it's mostly coated with sugar and butter, but hey, I'll take anything). Recently I have been on a chex mix addiction. I make chex mix treats a few times a month. I have lost track of the number of times I have made muddy buddies. My favorite one was a super rich chocolate drizzled buttery chex mix with mini Reese's peanut butter cups. I am yet to make a savory mix, but I think that is in the plans for next week's chex mix recipe.

For valentine's day I got some help from Pinterest and decided to "heart attack" my bedroom door for Cory. I wrote reasons for why I love him in each heart and it turned out really cute. The boys saw me do it and said they wanted it too, so I made them a mini version and wrote in their hearts things I like to do with them (read books, build forts, play tickle monster...). They loved it!!

Sometime back in February I sold Cory's old Honda Civic and bought a Nissan Sentra. That poor little Honda was going to die any day. I woke up one day and just decided to post it on craigslist to see what would happen. I used a photo of the car I had on my phone, and didn't thing anything would come of it. The car was sold in less than 1 hour. I received so many phone call and texts that I couldn't keep up with it. It was seriously crazy. Poor Cory was at work (with the car) when I called him and said " there are about 5 different people coming to your office to look at your car, I am on my way to meet them." By the time I got to the office Cory had taken the 1st customer on a test drive and sold the car. CRAZY, but we feel very blessed to have a more reliable car now.

Christopher continues to be Christopher. Active, creative, always getting into something he shouldn't. I still love that little guy to pieces. I have been getting glimpses of how this won't last forever, so I try to breathe deeply during the hard times and enjoy it, because it will end all too soon. He goes to kindergarten this year and I'm excited and sad all at once. I remember the first time I held him right after giving birth and feeling the spirit so strong. The veil was really thin and I could feel a huge connection with heaven. That day seems like it was yesterday, and yet it has been almost 5 years.

Andrew is our sweet heart. He loves to have us tickle his feet and tell him to focus so he won't loose control. He will ask us "mommy do focus" as he shoves his foot on my face. My dad did this with him during Christmas and Drew has loved it ever since.
For journaling purposes I am going to write a really old story. When Drew was learning to talk he refused to call Christopher, Christopher. He was Drew. So I had 2 Drews for a couple months. My mom and I were talking about Clarissa and she brought this Drew story up. I had totally forgotten it, and now I have it written forever.

Clarissa is talking. I can't keep up with all her words. Anytime we say "who's turn is it to pray" she always yells "me". So now we have 3 kids rotating turns for prayers. She's still my accessory baby. When she sees me changing in my closet she ALWAYS asks for a "poose" (purse). Then she carries it around and won't leave the house without it. She loves to wear shoes and boots -"booooots" according to her. She goes to nursery without any problems. She cries a little, but by the time I leave the room she's already done.
Wow, got way winded. Did not expect to post this much from my phone.

We had fondue for dinner this week. Christopher called it "fonduedue" 

The impossible  happened. Christopher fell asleep watching TV

She did her accessories by herself - boots, hat and purse. Love it!! 


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