Sunday, March 11, 2012


The kids have been growing so fast. I need to do a post just about them.

Oh, where to begin. He can be really fun, and then there are days that he just drives me crazy. On Monday, he and Drew were playing in Cory's closet. They found a camping knife, argued over it, and Drew lost. Drew ended up with a cut on his finger and blood ALL OVER!! (I was down stairs cooking breakfast when this all went down). Then about an hour later he got into trouble again, so I put him in his for time out. When I go back to get him out, I find I broken window. He was so mad at me that he banged on his window and broke the glass. I don't know how he didn't get cut. Well, that is $60 that I used his left over Christmas money to pay for the damage.

He's also been saying some really funny things. Last Sunday was testimony meeting at church, and he's been begging us to go up and bear his testimony. So before we left for church I wanted to prepare him to bear his testimony.

Me: Christopher, what are you going to say when you get up and talk on the microphone?

Christopher (with a very serious face): Who let the dogs out! (singing it)

I couldn't help but start laughing. He did bear his testimony, and he did a great job (but I whispered in his ears what to say). Haha

Lately he's been climbing our backyard wall, sitting up there harassing the neighbor's dog. We always tell him to get down because you'll get hurt. This week as he's sitting on the wall he screams at me: "Mom the Holy Ghost will protect me." Very true, that kid has a legion of angels following him around, because considering the amount of trouble he gets into, he was supposed to be dead (or seriously crippled) by now.


My cute little boy is POTTY TRAINED!! Well, mostly. We still have our occasional accidents, but for the most part he's doing great. I love potty training boys, they can just go potty anywhere (specially when outside). This week he went to playgroup at a friends house. When I went to pick him up, I asked my friend how he did with the potty. She said he never used the toilet, but he peed outside on their lawn a couple times. Haha, I know it's gross, but at least he didn't pee his pants.

Drew has a real fun sense of humor. He loves to be tickled and to tease Christopher.


She's just growing too fast!! She turned 7 months on Friday. She's a super easy baby and is always happy. Her two top teeth are coming in. I don't want her to have top teeth!! It will really change her smile. She can sit on her own, and she LOVES her big brothers. They really light up her day.

I took her to get her pictures taken and the stinker didn't crack one smile. The pictures still turned out really cute. Here's my little princess.

Look at all those little rolls on her arm. She's so chunky!! (This was as close to a smile as we got)

1 comment:

The Lewis's said...

wow, that christopher!