Friday, January 22, 2010


On my last post I said I had a ton to blog about, but I'm not sure I'll ever blog about everything I want. I just don't have enough time to ever post as many pictures and videos as I want.

I got a digital SLR camera for Christmas and we've taken a few shots of the kids on it, but I still haven't transferred them to the computer, so sorry, you only get 1 camera phone picture on this post. I promise I'll do a post with just pictures next time!!
We got a membership pass to the children's museum and have been going there quite often. Christopher loves it. The only bad part is having to drive there (I'm afraid he'll get car sick and puke). So far he's only thrown up once and he managed to wait for me to pull him out of the car to do it!!!

Last week he had a high fever for 2 days so I decided to take him to the doctor. The poor little guy had an ear infection in both ears. He's doing much better now and life is good again. The only nice thing about him being sick was the fact he wanted to cuddle with me ALL the time. I never get that kind of attention from him.
He's been talking more and more, although I seem to be the only one that can understand him.

Here are some of his new words:
Hi Dew - hi Drew (he loves his brother!!)
poppuck - popcorn
clockit - chocolate (I didn't know he knew what chocolate was, but the other day I made fudge and he walked around asking for more clockit)
ut dob (followed by either clapping or patting himself) - good job
tacket - jacket
all wet - he says this constantly in the bath as he splashes around and gets us all wet.
found it - today I found a hair tie under the couch cushions and said "found it." Ever since then he's been walking around the house pointing to things and saying "found it"

He's doing really well. He turned 6 months this week and is progressing good. He's a tall skinny kid (as both my boys have always been).
weight: 19 lbs 5 oz (80%)
height: 29 inches (97%)

I gave him haircut last week and Cory's been calling him Fraiar Tuck ever since. I'll post a picture of Drew and Friar Tuck for you to compare.
He started baby food this week. So far he's had bananas, pears and carrots. Loved them all but carrots are definitely a favorite!! This is him eating carrots for the first time. (you can also see the new hair cut).

1 comment:

The Lewis's said...

i was actually noticing he looked a little friar'ish yesterday