Tuesday, February 10, 2009

M is for...

Today was preschool day with the little girl I watch. I go over to my friend Rachael's house and we do it together with her son. Well, today we were learning the letter M, and lets just say it wasn't very smooth. The kids were MONKEYING and Rachael and I had a rough morning. She somehow gathered enough strength to get the kids coloring and practing their letter and read them a couple books.

We're hoping tomorrow will be a better day to reinfoce the letter M because we are taking a field trip to McDonald's!! I am looking forward to that one.
Thank goodness McDonald's starts with M. Actually today on the way home from preschool I stopped there to grab some lunch. The kids had already eaten at Rachael's but I still needed food, and for some reason fast food seems to be one of my few pregnancy cravings. I tend to crave french fries and hamburgers when I'm pregnant, so I justfied being pregnant, sick, and exhausted and allowed myself to have a DELICIOUS lunch. The sad part is that I'm still looking forward to another McDonald's visit tomorrow. I sure hope I get these cravings under control, otherwise I'll be broke and fat by the end of this gestation!!!

On a quick side note, Christopher is really starting to be a handful. Here are some things he learned do this past week:

Stand up to furniture (which includes his crib, so now sleep time is play time)
Say Mamamamama (it can go on forever) when he wants me
Climb stairs
He rediscovered his tongue, so now it tends to hang out of his mouth most of the time. Yesterday he stood up to the front door and licked it clean. Everytime I told him to stop he would do it again, smack his lips, look at me and give me the cutest smile. If he wasn't so cute I would probably have lost it by now.


The Lewis's said...

ah, such fun. hunter was looking at your blog with me, and he didn't recognize the "m" either. are we doing something wrong? no... something's wrong with the kids, haha

Denise said...

I ate a cheeseburger a day at McDonalds for the whole nine months with Kimball. Sometimes two. Ok not everyday, I kept the sabath, but pretty much every other day. I couldn't get enough. And then I swear I didn't eat one for a year after she was born. So there is hope, just not for a while. Good luck with the kids at McDonalds, that sounds like a prefect preschool field trip.

Anonymous said...

i am ready for a field trip myself!

White Family said...

I totally hear ya on the fast food cravings. I saw a picture of a hamburger from Red Robin on another friends blog and it's all I can do to wait until at least Valentines day to make Kyle take me there! I've already had a hamburger and fries from Wendy's earlier this week (sigh). Why can't I crave carrots and broccoli!? Christopher sounds like he's so big! We need to get together again so I can see how much he's grown!

White Family said...

Oh I forgot to answer your question. Chase and baby boy #2 will be 22 months apart almost exactly. I guess it all depends on when he's born but their due dates are the same day of the month just two months apart. Chase was August 12th and baby #2 is June 12th. I was induced with Chase on the 8th of August though so that's when he was forced to come! They did change my due date with this one though. According to my LMP the due date should've been on May 31st but the baby is measuring small by about 2 weeks hence the June 12th due date. So we'll just have to see when he decided to make his debut!

The Jerman Family said...

How funny. Loved to read your blog today. Loved to hear that Chistopher is being so cute and grose :)