Sunday, January 25, 2009

Picture Time

Here are some promised pictures.

I took Christopher to the zoo before Christmas. You can see a baboon on the background.
Here's us with the Rino's. It was a little frustrating trying to show the baby all these animals when all he cared about where the trees and leaves he could touch and grab. I don't think he really saw any of the animals.
This is what happens when daddy feeds him!!

Ward Christmas party. I thought he would cry with Santa, but I sware this kid loves strangers!! Christmas Eve at my sister's house.

Us and the Florida alligators (right by Cory's ear there are about 7 gators).

Magic Kingdom. He's such a happy baby!!

Waiting in line for a ride.


The Lewis's said...

I like that your head is right on top of the rhino butt, and Cory has alligators at his ear. And Christopher is such a happy baby in all those pictures- I hope it stays that way for you!

Tanner said...

Oh!! Christopher is ADORABLE!!! He just couldn't be cuter!! Man, you guys will have to have at least 10 kids, b/c you make them SO darn cute! ;) He is such a SMILEY, happy beautiful baby boy!!