Saturday, November 1, 2008


I consider myself a pretty clean person. I clean my house once a week and I like things to be organized. But there are some things that I just HATE cleaning. For example, I hate mopping. Every time my mom comes in to town, it seems like she’s mopping my apartment for me. Good thing I only have 3 very small areas to be mopped.

Lately I’ve been noticing how dirty my oven looks. That’s another thing I HATE cleaning. So I gathered up the courage and cleaned the oven for the first time since I’ve been married!! (Wow that’s 3 years without being cleaned. Pretty gross!!) So, is there anything you don’t like to clean?


The Lewis's said...

look- i'm leaving a comment! i hate folding and putting away laundry. my husband says let's just not do it since we're just going to wear it again anyway.

Jacob and Tiffany said...

Oh I can't stand cleaning toilets - eewww!! I have never even thought about cleaning my oven, maybe I should sometime! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't like to clean the garbage cans, after awhile they get all cross from things folling behind the bags! ewwww.....try and get cory to clean the oven, pretend it will hurt the baby or something.....hahhahahahh