Saturday, July 20, 2013


Summer is birthday season at our house. Christopher turned 5 in June. Drew turned 4 yesterday, and Clarissa's birthday will be in 3 weeks. I'm starting to get a little burned out. I LOVE decorating for their parties, and enjoy picking a theme for it with the birthday child, but I stay up too late the night before prepping.

This year Christopher wanted a fish birthday party. Not fishing, or surf, nor pool themed, but a fish theme. I actually had a lot of fun planning it because it was a little different. I planned party games for the first time and the kids had a blast. We had several water games, but the water balloons were by far a favorite. I made chocolate fish for the cupcakes and used pretzels as fishing pols. We also had Oreo and sour worms cups (as bait). 

Christopher is growing up so fast. He's lost 2 teeth and enjoys telling anyone and everyone about it. He is super talented with music, he can shake his booty way better than anyone else in this house, he's also a great singer. One of his favorite performers is Adele (and Selena Gomez, still). Christopher has a testimony of the gospel and enjoys sharing it EVERY fast Sunday at church. He has an amazing memory. Christopher is also a great swimmer, and is pretty much fearless around water. His favorite restaurant is Red Lobster (that's where we went for his b-day). At first I just thought he liked seeing the lobsters there, but the kid actually really enjoys seafood. He specifically asked for lobster, crab and shrimp for dinner (an expensive taste for a 5 year old if you ask me). He had a great time at his party and is supper happy to be 5. Happy Birthday big boy!! We love you!!

 Water balloon games

Drew turned 4 yesterday. I can't believe he's getting so big. Andrew is so fun to have around. He loves 2 things: being tickled and superheroes. So it is no surprise that he had a superhero party. He actually wanted an Ironman party, but I hate specific themes, so I talked him into something a little more broad and again, I had way too much fun planning and decorating for the party.

I usually do all the decorating when the kids are in bed, so when he woke up on party day he was AMAZED. I kept hearing over and over again "this is the best birthday ever!" He was so happy and grateful, that it made my hard work all worth it. 

I wanted to do superhero games only, but Drew insisted on having water balloons for his party too. So, once again, I filled over 60 water balloons up (and told myself, never again am I doing water balloons for a birthday party).

Drew is a super sweet little boy. He's quick to apologize, loves playing with friends, and is a great friend to anyone. He plays super well with both his siblings. The only thing Drew likes more than superheroes is being tickled. He can't hear or see us tickle Clarissa or Christopher and not get involved. I've never seen a kid beg so much for tickle time. His favorite foods are pizza and soup. In fact, when we asked him what he wanted to eat for his birthday dinner  he said "Soup!" (We always take them out to eat on their birthday and Cory and I were trying to figure out where to take him.) We love you Drewzinho!! (Little Drew in Portuguese)

 His smile says it all!!
 I dressed Clarissa as Batgirl

 I had costumes for the kids could dress up. They loved it. Drew is Spiderman (and I am Super Mom).
 I love this picture. Spiderman VS Captain America. Christopher tried sneaking in to blow the candle first. You can totally see the stare down he got from his brother.

 Blowing out candles

1 comment:

Staci said...

they turned out so good! happy birthday to both the boys since weve been gone!