Monday, November 5, 2012


Halloween is by far my kids favorite "holiday". This year they got an insane amount of candy, it should actually be illegal to give kids that much sugar. There was the church trunk or treat, preschool trick or treat, and then the regular night time festivities. I bought all our costumes last year, but could not convince the boys to wear them. So I had to buy new costumes for them.
Hope you guys had a happy Halloween, and thank goodness it's now all over!!!

                                    She's the cutest witch!
Our friends the Timothys come trick or treating with us every year, this is their cute little girl Livy. 

This big boy was VERY HAPPY with his candy (he only got half the amount Drew got, because on Halloween day he actually got into so much trouble that we took away trick or treating from him. He could only go to the houses right on our street. - We weren't so mean to take it all away).

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