Monday, May 24, 2010

How Much Is Too Much?

I have the "slight impression" I've cleaned up way too many throw-ups this past week. Really, how much puke is too much? If you ask me I would say 1 is more than enough, but I guess my kids don't think I've mastered the art or cleaning up puke. That's why they seem to be taking turns this week giving me all the opportunity to "practice". Here's how my past week has been.

Tuesday: Christopher throws up in the car
Thursday: Andrew throws up in his crib and then my bathroom floor
Saturday: Christopher throws up in his crib
Sunday: Andrew throws up on ME and him
Monday (today): Christopher throws up on the kitchen floor

Do you see a pattern here?

Anyway, the boys are sick AGAIN!! I have a ton of fun things to blog about, but I guess that will have to wait until they're well.

Until then, I hope this bug doesn't find its way to your house!!!


The Lewis's said...

Gabby threw up a couple of times yesterday too! I guess it's going around, but it seems to never leave you guys. Sorry to hear it. Call me if you're going crazy.

The Jerman Family said...

I love your blog background. Really cute. Sorry your boys are so sick.