Monday, March 8, 2010

Definitely Worth Blogging

My dear husband spent this past weekend working SUPER hard on our garage that it is definitely worth blogging about. He put up 3 huge sets of shelves that took him 2 days worth of work. I'm so grateful for all his hard work and I love my new shelves!!! The garage is so much more organized now, and we even have more space than we need.
Here are a couple of pictures of the finished project. I should've taken before pictures too, so you could compare.

On a side note, the kids are doing well. Christopher keeps talking more and more. He's starting to make 2 word sentences and I'm so excited. The other day he hit his head on a toy and said "hurt head" and when he wants to go see grandma he asks for "grandma house". Yea!! He is interacting more with Drew and it's cute to see them play together.

Drew is finally rolling all over the place. He's been able to roll from back to front since 4 months but just now has mastered the front to back rolling. He's got 3 bottom teeth and has 2 upper teeth coming in. He's a horrible teether, but such a happy baby when not teething.

1 comment:

The Lewis's said...

just as you were telling me last week he wasn't rolling the other way! and i forgot to give you the circular saw but apparently you didn't need it. the shelves look great