Sunday, May 13, 2012

Preschool Graduation

Christopher had his preschool graduation back in May. Since he's going to preschool next year again it wasn't a big deal for us, but he LOVED all the attention. Drew is actually going to school with him this year too. Oh, I can't wait until Fall comes around!! (Summers are just too long, specially if you live in Arizona).

This is Christopher an his AWESOME teacher. This poor women has no idea what's coming her way this fall.

Cinco de Maio

I have a ton of things to catch up on, so instead of trying to make one big post I think I'll do a bunch of little ones. This way I can make quick posts and I just need to be at the computer a little at a time.

 Our friends invited us to spend a day with them at the lake for the Cinco de Maio. The boys LOVED it. Christopher woke up the next day asking for a boat for his birthday. Haha, if only things were that easy.