I threw a shower for my friend back in December and the theme was Jungle Animals. It turned out super cute. I guess I was feeling creative.
Christmas with my family. Enjoying the lights and ride at the train park.
Mesa Temple lights. Somehow I didn't get any good pictures with my parents and siblings while they were here. :(
Christmas morning at the Garretts. Drew looks so tired.
Christmas eve. Boy, I miss looking that skinny!! These are the Fletts, our great Brazilian friends in our ward. This was the day we had the BIG family dinner. 22 people!!!!
The girls posing by the tree.
These pictures are not in chronological order, which bugs me incredibly!! Ward Christmas party. The boys with Santa (although you can't really see Santa's face.) If you look close enough you can see Drew has a butterfly on his chin. He fell and split his chin open on the fireplace that week.
Doesn't his smile say it all? He is soooo full of mischief!
We've been busy lately, but it's late and I don't want to blog all the details. Here are some of the short main points.
I turned 27 on the 27th!! My golden birthday!! I went out to dinner with Cory to a fabulous Brazilian restaurant. Then later during the week I got to celebrate with my girl friends at the Cheesecake factory. Easiest birthday yet!! Loved it!
Christopher started preschool last week. So far he's loving it and so am I. He goes twice a week for a few hours. My mornings are so much quieter when he's gone, and I can actually get stuff done around the house. Yesterday I got to clean out the garage while he was at school. It was awesome, I left the garage opened and Drew just played in the garage the whole time!!! That would never happen if Christopher was home. I would have to chase him around and threaten him a gazillion times before finally giving up. I love that boy, but he requires so much stimulation, I just couldn't provide it anymore. I hope things keep going this well.
Drew is finally talking more and more. It's still very hard to understand him, but we're happy with his progress.
Here are Drew's words at 19 months (funny to compare the list with Christopher's at 15 months):
Mamae - mommy
Papai - daddy
all duh
buba - bottle
acua - water
ca - car
ba - ball
bu - Buzz (he LOVES Buzz Lightyear)
tatch - catch
ights - lights
soes - shoes
what's that
I know he says a few more things but that's all I can remember. He speaks his own language most of the time.
Ok, it's way too late to keep going. Funny Christopher stories will have to wait until next time. Hopefully by the next time I post I'll also have a 100% on the baby gender.